A Brief History of the PMH Players
The Recreation Hall, tucked in behind the Nurses’ Hostel at The Princess Margaret Hospital, has an interesting history. Built not long after the hospital opened, its original purpose was to provide a games room for the living-in staff.
When permission was granted for nurses to live away from the hospital, responsibility for administering the use of the hall was delegated to the Social & Amenities Committee, through the Hospital Manager, Tony Dutton.
Under the chairmanship of Stella Randle the hall began to be used by other disciplines for social events. Funds raised by these activities were used to enhance equipment for bowls, table tennis, darts and badminton.
In 1980 Stella formed a sub-group from the Social & Amenities Committee to produce and participate in a live theatre production ‘Yule Fried Frolics’, produced and directed by Pat Harris, provided some Christmas theatre fun, with support given by the Halswell Drama Group. The success of this production fostered much goodwill and communication between hospital staff and departments.
Proceeds from this performance and other fund raising projects were used by the Committee to build a kitchen as an extension to the main hall in March 1981. Enthusiasm was such that the following year, in December 1981, ‘Cafe Continental’, again written and directed by Pat Harris, was performed. The staging was basic and the changing rooms, makeup room and toilet facilities had to be shared with the audience.
President of the group was Tony Dutton who resigned from this position in 1982.
The Drama Group, as it was known, had established its own identity and decided to continue as a group to promote theatre and musical productions.
In February 1982 the name ‘PMH Players’ was officially adopted under the presidency of Gillian Parr.
The tradition of audiences seated at tables, enjoying food and wine supplied by lovely waitresses and participating in the thespian arts was to continue!
PMH Players have since gone from strength to strength – drawing on·expertise from other hospitals.
Many reluctant performers have progressed to professional theatre parts.
Space, staging, lighting and sound facilities had to be created, borrowed or improvised so PMH Players decided to extend the Recreation Hall to provide a permanent stage, toilets, dressing rooms, wardrobe and storage space.
Stage, curtains, lighting and sound became permanent fixtures without encroaching on the existing hall which made it a versatile venue for graduations and seminars as well as sports and recreation.
Over the years PMH Players have donated many gifts to the hospital with the proceeds from its productions, including CPR mannikins, paintings, money and other items. As the hospital has decreased in staff many of PMH Players have come from other hospitals in the area. There is a regular following and the show nights are usually sold out.
The shows are unique, having been written and directed by PMH Players themselves.
The recreation Hall behind PMH was built in the 60s with financial help from the staff with a giant garage sale for the nurses to have somewhere to meet after hours.
Remember in those days nurses had to live in and did not have cars and there wasn’t a bus service to the city.
When nurses stopped having to live in, the recreation hall was used by a badminton club and indoor bowls.
By the late 70s the Hall was not used regularly and it really needed a kitchen to be able to hold functions.·
So in 1980 the PMH Players were formed. Our first production was a musical hall helped by the Halswell Drama club and Kevin Alderton. With the proceeds from this function the kitchen was built. After that there was no stopping us we have had a production nearly every year since, sometimes two a year.
Our productions are all home made written by very talented members of the group. The audience are seated cabaret style and fuelled by some alcoholic beverages. Very little advertising was needed.
It was very basic in the early days with no stage and ordinary lighting. We couldn’t have the heaters on at the same time as the lights otherwise we would be plunged into darkness. As we did on a few occasions. We spent $10,000 upgrading the power to the Hall. We have also donated many gifts to the hospital.
In between our productions we have a group of singers who sing a variety of songs to the local rest homes and retirement villages, usually in the winter.
Since the earthquakes we lost the Hall to staff who were working there we are sure the Hospital is pleased that we kept the Hall in good condition.
Past Performances
1980 December – ‘Yule Fried Frolics’ written and directed by Pat Harris
1981 December – ‘Cafe Continental’ written and directed by Pat Harris
1982 May -‘Minstrels Melodies Madeira’ written and directed by Pat Harris, Daphne Harris,Janet Lindsay and Jenny Odering
1982 June – Cabaret Rock and Roll directed by Janet Lindsay
1982 December – ‘Love Boat Nauticals’ written by Tony Dutton, directed by Doris Burke, Merle Dopson, Jenny Odering, Denise Clark, Helen Duckworth and Mark Wardell. Production Director Pat Harris
1983 December – Uncle Sam Announces’ written by Helen Duckworth, Pat Harris and Mark Wardell, directed by Pat Harris
1984 PMH 25th Jubilee Concert
1984 December – ‘Contacky Tours’ written and directed by Penny Webb, Helen Duckworth, Merle Dopson and jenny Odering
1985 August – ‘Go West Young Man’ written by Helen Duckworth, Nicki Welbourn; Ken Smith, Alasdair McMartin and Suzanne Wills, directed by Helen Duckworth
1985 December – Christmas concert for the elderly at Jubilee, Burwood and Coronation Hospitals and the K Wards at The Princess Margaret Hospital
1986 August – ‘Around the Hospitals’ concert. for the elderly
1986 December – ‘Bloomers and Blazers’ written by Nicki Well bourn and Suzanne Wills, directed by · Nicki Wellbourn
1987 June – ‘Around the Hospitals’ concert for the elderly
1987 November – ‘The Best of British’ a musical comedy written by Helen Duckworth, Nicki Wellbourn and Nigel Georgieff
1988 March Performance at The Princess Margaret Hospital 25th Jubilee
1988 June – ‘Around the Hospitals’ concert for the elderly
1988 July – Christchurch Hospital lunchtime concert
1988 November – ‘Sinders and Soap’ written and directed by Nicola Wellbourn
1989 August – ‘Around the Hospitals’ concert for the elderly
1990 March – ‘TV4 ‘written by Heather Murchison and Nigel Georgieff, directed by Pat Harris
1991 April – ‘Ship Shajpe’ written and directed by Pat Haris on our 10th anniversary show
1991 June – ‘Around the Hospitals’ concert for the elderly
1991 November – ‘Fundamentally Fifties’ written and directed by Penny Webb
1992 June – ‘Around the Hospitals’ concert for the elderly
1992 November – ‘Coast to Coast’ written by Penny Webb, directed by Nicola Well bourn
1993 July – ‘Around the Hospitals’ concert for the elderly
PMH Players; Standing (1-r) : D Snowden, A Field, K Alderton, L Nobbs, T Dutton, J McGuire, S Shuker, S Byrne; Sitting: P Martin, G Scoggins, P Harris (1982)